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  • info@eppm.org.ge
  • Archives for News

    The Institute conducted national curricula review

    The Institute conducted national curricula review to map the content that is either explicitly aligned with the teaching for sustainable development, or related to it. Based on mapping results recommendations had been developed to show how the existing curricula content can be modified to contribute to ESD. Besides curricular mapping it is looking into the subject curricula and textbooks concerning the ESD content, to provide a clearer idea of how important goals expressed in the Framework Curriculum are presented directly to the students. Respective advocacy campaign would be organized in the frames of MATRA project.

    Research report

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    Teacher Policies in Georgia

    The Institute conducted analyses on teacher policies in Georgia. The research report was prepared as part of the wider project of the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) envisaging development of the  comparative study on teacher policies in its member countries: the new Member States of the EU, Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries and Central Asia and Mongolia.

    Research reportattached

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