Georgian version of the Report on integrity of human and financial resources in school education has translated and published. Report was prepared by the Centre for Applied Policy and Integrity and the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC), in the framework of the project Integrity of education systems: training for civil society organisations with the support of the Open Society Foundations (Education Support Program). The report discusses evidence and cross-country findings from locally led integrity assessments carried out by four civil society organizations – members of NEPC from Georgia (International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management – EPPM), Kyrgyzstan (Foundation Education Initiatives Support – FEIS), Moldova (Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA), and Mongolia (Mongolian Education Alliance – MEA). In line with the report, specially organized webinar discussed two questions: whether participants in school education in these countries engage in problematic practices (integrity violations) that lead to the abuse of human and financial resources in education and – if the answer is yes – what are the mechanisms and systemic weaknesses which facilitate and motivate such conduct in each country and across country. The webinar provided an overview of the results of the analysis of integrity in the management of human resources and the use private donations in public education, and it will present the main recommendations for follow-up action.