• Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 18:00
  • + 995 322 23 44 33
  • info@eppm.org.ge
  • Publications

    Recruitment of schoolteachers in Georgia: an integrity assessment (2020)

    Monitoring of Implementation of Association Agreement responsibility Towards Supporting Lifelong Learning (LLL) (Policy Brief) – Tamar Sanikidze(GEO)

    Education Policy and Strategic Planning of the Reform (Policy Brief) – George Machabeli (Geo)

    Policy analyses on the state of Higher Education and research in the country:

    Study on Education Access and Equity in the Caucasus Georgia;

    Examining Private Tutoring Phenomenon in Georgia;

    Research Report, December 2011 (Eng)

    Education for Sustainable Development 

    Research Report, October 2011 (Eng)

    Review Report of the Georgian Education Development Project  447 KB

    Education Support Program, July 2002 (Eng)

    The Main Directions of Higher Education Development in Georgia 348 KB

    Publishing House “Nekeri”, Tbilisi 2002 (Eng)

    Private Higher Education in Georgia: Main Tendencies  535 KB

    Tbilisi 2002 (Eng)

    Decree on the Main Directions for Development of Tbilisi Education System  72 KB

    May 2003 (Eng)

    Situational Analysis of the Higher Education System of Georgia 472 KB

    October 2003 (Eng)

    Higher Education in Caucasus and Lisbon convention  737 KB

    Final report, 2003 (Eng)

    Quality Education for all: Teacher Training and Curriculum Reform in the South Caucasus Region – from vision to practice  1540 KB

    Final report of the sub-regional seminar, Tbilisi, Georgia, 26-28 June 2003 (eng)

    Vocational Education in Georgia- Problems and Perspectives  315 KB

    Tbilisi, 2006 (Geo)

    NEPC Newsletter  341 KB

    Issue 1 February 2007

    NEPC Newsletter  409 KB

    Issue 2 May 2007

    PhD concept paper  548 KB

    2007 (Eng)

    PhD concept paper  521 KB

    2007 (Geo)

    Education in a hidden marketplace: Monitoring Private Tutoring   339 KB

    2007 (Geo)

    Education Provisions for Children at Risk: Needs Assessment for Caucasian Region   299 KB

    2007 (Eng)

    Public attitude towards inclusive education in Georgia   252 KB

    2007 (Geo)

    Project information bulletin #1 IDP Integration through education   2506 KB

    2007 (Geo)

    NEPC newsletter   297 KB

    Issue #3,September 2007

    Project information bulletin # 2 IDP Integration through education   1386 KB

    2007 (Geo)

    Project information bulletin # 3 IDP Integration through education   510 KB

    2007 (Geo)

    NEPC newsletter   241 KB

    Issue #4 January 2008

    Capacity development for education planning in Caucasus   76 KB

    The document review challenges and perspectives of education policy planning in Caucasus region

    NEPC summer school announcement   232 KB

    Detailed information and guidelines for applicants

    Decentralization of the General Education System in Georgia   2539 KB

    December, 2008 (Geo)

    Higher Education Reform Outcomes   942 KB

    November, 2008 (Geo)

    Teacher Professional Development Center – performance evaluation by teachers   2193 KB

    August, 2009 ENG

    TPDC performance assessment by teachers   2815 KB

    August, 2009 Geo