Business leaders association “Women for Tomorrow” hosted the meeting
with the president of International Institute of Education Policy
Planning and Management (EPPM), Mrs. Tamar Sanikidze and EPPM members.
The mission of the Institute is to contribute to both sustainable
development of educational reform that would be consistent with the
principles of an open society and positive changes in the Georgian
education system, and to support stakeholders participating in the
education system
The aim of the meeting was to update the business representatives with
current developments in vocational education subsystem including state
intervention under reform and ongoing activities.
Meeting participants discussed the importance of the vet education and
new educational programs, successful implementation of which will
result in developing qualified human capital essential for developing
business sector in Georgia. Business representatives were provided
with the information on students’ employment rates in different
industries that has been notably increasing during last several years
as a result of the ongoing reform. The ways and mechanisms of the
employers and business engagement in vet education were also
discussed, including PPP models and implementation of worked based
learning (WBL). The need for more active engagement of business in vet
education was highlighted and perspectives of future collaboration