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    UNESCO GEM Report 2024/25

    The International Institute of Education Policy, Planning and management participate in development of UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report). The GEM Report is the global public good that serves the purpose of achieving the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4: The quality education). Established in 2002, the GEM Report is an editorially independent report, hosted and published by UNESCO. In 2024/25, the focus of the Report will be placed on leadership and education.

    School leadership is at the heart of educational quality and equity, thus the regional report for Central and EasternEurope, Caucasus and Central Asia proposal focuses on school leadership and inclusion with particular emphasis on inclusive school leadership practices. It will be based upon comprehensive research conducted in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Slovenia aiming to answer the question of whether school leadership in the region supports inclusion and how. It will examine leadership within education institutions in regard to roles and standards of school leaders/ship; policies on school leaders’ selection, preparation and development as well as showcase inclusive leadership practices from the region. The report aims to uncover the needs of school leaders/ship regarding inclusion. The International Institute of Education Policy, Planning and management will conduct research activities in Georgia.

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    New Regional Project

    The International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management is participating in a new regional project Social Inequality and Integrity in Urban Public School Admission. The implementation of the project started in October 2021 and together with Georgia it involves partner organizations from Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

    The project will carry out research aimed at to identify, analyze, and make appropriate recommendations for corrupt practices and vulnerabilities, causes, risks, and contributing factors. The research report would contain overview of school admission policies in 6 countries and mapping of school admission practices, vulnerabilities, and integrity risks.

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    Report on integrity of human and financial resources in school education (Georgian version)

    Georgian version of the Report on integrity of human and financial resources in school education has translated and published. Report was prepared by the Centre for Applied Policy and Integrity and the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC), in the framework of the project Integrity of education systems: training for civil society organisations with the support of the Open Society Foundations (Education Support Program). The report discusses evidence and cross-country findings from locally led integrity assessments carried out by four civil society organizations – members of NEPC from Georgia (International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management – EPPM), Kyrgyzstan (Foundation Education Initiatives Support – FEIS), Moldova (Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA), and Mongolia (Mongolian Education Alliance – MEA). In line with the report, specially organized webinar discussed two questions: whether participants in school education in these countries engage in problematic practices (integrity violations) that lead to the abuse of human and financial resources in education and – if the answer is yes – what are the mechanisms and systemic weaknesses which facilitate and motivate such conduct in each country and across country. The webinar provided an overview of the results of the analysis of integrity in the management of human resources and the use private donations in public education, and it will present the main recommendations for follow-up action.

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    GLOBAL EDUCATION MONITORING REPORT – “Inclusion and education: All means all”

    New UNESCO analysis covering 30 education systems in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia has been published. 2021 Global Education Monitoring Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia Report – “Inclusion and education: All means all” is produced by the UNESCO, the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education and the Network of Education Policy Centers. The International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management conducted data gathering and analyses within Georgian education system.  The analysis is based on in-depth country profiles of the education responses to inclusion challenges. Based on the approach of the 2020 GEM Report and the expertise of the partner organizations, the Report is based on information collected in 30 education systems, providing comparative policy analysis of how they define and progress on inclusion in education. The 2021 Eurasia Report provide evidence-based recommendations for governments and other key education stakeholders to strengthen inclusion and SDG 4 implementation in policies across the region.

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    A new joint report on integrity of human and financial resources in school education

    Centre for Applied Policy and Integrity and the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC) launched a new joint report on integrity of human and financial resources in school education, which was prepared in the framework of the project Integrity of education systems: training for civil society organisations with the support of the Open Society Foundations (Education Support Program).

    The report discusses evidence and cross-country findings from locally led integrity assessments carried out by four civil society organizations – members of NEPC from Georgia (International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management – EPPM), Kyrgyzstan (Foundation Education Initiatives Support – FEIS), Moldova (Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA), and Mongolia (Mongolian Education Alliance – MEA).

    In line with the report, specially organized webinar discussed two questions: whether participants in school education in these countries engage in problematic practices (integrity violations) that lead to the abuse of human and financial resources in education and – if the answer is yes – what are the mechanisms and systemic weaknesses which facilitate and motivate such conduct in each country and across country. The webinar provided an overview of the results of the analysis of integrity in the management of human resources and the use private donations in public education, and it will present the main recommendations for follow-up action.

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    (ქართული) საქართველოს ევროკავშირთან ასოცირების ხელშეკრულების, მთელი სიცოცხლის მანძილზე სწავლის ხელშეწყობისათვის აღებული ვალდებულებების შესრულების შეფასება

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    International Research project “Integrity of Education Systems – Corruption Risks in Teacher Recruitment Process”

    The International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management (EPPM) in the framework of the project Integrity of education systems (INTES) conducted assessment on the integrity of schoolteachers’ recruitment. The goal of the integrity assessment was to identify and analyze corruption risks and to find out ways to eliminate the risks.

    The project was a joint initiative by the Center for Applied Policy and Integrity (CAPI) and the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC), and it was supported by the Education Support Program of the Open Society Foundations. The project provided civil society organizations – members of NEPC from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Mongolia with initial training on integrity assessments in education, which was followed by locally led explorations of integrity in selected areas and reform priorities in education in these four countries.

    The integrity assessment was conducted concurrently with reform activities carried out in Georgia. Reformatory steps made in schoolteacher recruitment and hiring process created unprecedented number of vacancies in the country and simultaneously, provoked a risk of integrity violations during schoolteacher recruitment process. The focus of the assessment was to identify existing flaws, corruption facts and risks (favoritism, nepotism, etc.) in the process of the recruitment of schoolteachers’ and subsequently produce policy recommendations.

    Report is attached

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    International Research project “Integrity of Education Systems – Corruption Risks in Teacher Recruitment Process” results presented at CIES 2020

    The International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management presented the results of the International Research project “Integrity of Education Systems – Corruption Risks in Teacher Recruitment Process” at a panel of the CIES 2020 conference in its on-line mode (vCIES), on Monday the 27th 2020, at 2 pm CEST. At the conference the synthesis report of four countries (Georgia, Mongolia, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan) was presented as well by NEPC and the case of Kyrgyzstan. Please find the agenda of the panel.

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