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International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) within the frames of the project – “Association with European Union Policy and Practice: Lifelong learning for education system sustainable development” continues working with partner universities.
The visit to Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University took place on December 16, 2019.
University students of different faculties participated in the workshops. The goal of the workshop was to raise awareness of students towards responsibilities taken by the state under Association Agreement in the field of education and human capital development and its expected benefits. Specifically, the focus was made on results of implementing Association Agreement responsibilities towards Lifelong education. The mechanisms for civil society engagement in the implementation process were discussed and participatory advocacy process planned. The cooperation agreements between the university and EPPM was signed that included support for facilitating academic research in the fields of education and human capital development as envisaged by the Association Agreement.
The relevance of the implementation of European Parliament recommendations for the alignment with European Policy and Practice in the field of education and training was the core topic of the workshop. The discussion was made on the expected results and impacts of implementation on the economic and education spheres.
The project is supported by Open Society – Georgia.
Visit details available on University official website:
International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) within the frames of the project – “Association with European Union Policy and Practice: Lifelong learning for education system sustainable development” continues working with partner universities.
The visit to Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University took place on December 4, 2019.
University students of different faculties and academic personnel participated in the workshops. The goal of the workshop was to raise awareness of students towards responsibilities taken by the state under Association Agreement in the field of education and human capital development and its expected benefits. Specifically, the focus was made on results of implementing Association Agreement responsibilities towards Lifelong education. The mechanisms for civil society engagement in the implementation process were discussed and participatory advocacy process planned. The cooperation agreements between university and EPPM was signed that included support for facilitating academic research in the fields of education and human capital development as envisaged by the Association Agreement.
The relevance of the implementation of European Parliament recommendations for the alignment with European Policy and Practice in the field of education and training were one of the core topics of the workshops. The discussion was made on the expected results and impacts of implementation on the economic and education spheres.
The project is supported by Open Society – Georgia.
Visit details available on University official website:
International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) within the frames of the project – “Association with European Union Policy and Practice: Lifelong learning for education system sustainable development” continues working with partner universities.
The visit to Samtskhe-Javakheti State University took place on November 11, 2019.
University students of different faculties, Rector of the University and academic personnel participated in the workshops. The goal of the workshop was to raise awareness of students towards responsibilities taken by the state under Association Agreement in the field of education and human capital development and its expected benefits. Specifically, the focus was made on results of implementing Association Agreement responsibilities towards Lifelong education. The mechanisms for civil society engagement in the implementation process were discussed and participatory advocacy process planned. The cooperation agreements between university and EPPM was signed that included support for facilitating academic research in the fields of education and human capital development as envisaged by the Association Agreement.
The relevance of the implementation of European Parliament recommendations for the alignment with European Policy and Practice in the field of education and training were one of the core topics of the workshops. The discussion was made on the expected results and impacts of implementation on the economic and education spheres.
The project is supported by Open Society – Georgia.
Visit details available on University official website:
Within the frames of the project – “Association with European Union Policy and Practice: Lifelong learning for education system sustainable development” International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) conducted workshops in Batumi State University and Zugdidi State University.
University students of different faculties and academic personnel participated in the workshops. The goal of the workshop was to raise awareness of students towards responsibilities taken by the state under Association Agreement in the field of education and human capital development and its expected benefits. Specifically, the focus was made on results of implementing Association Agreement responsibilities towards Lifelong education. The mechanisms for civil society engagement in the implementation process were discussed and participatory advocacy process planned.
The cooperation agreements between universities and EPPM was signed that in turn included support for facilitating academic research in the fields of education and human capital development as envisaged by the Association Agreement.
The relevance of the implementation of European Parliament recommendations for the alignment with European Policy and Practice in the field of education and training were one of the core topics of the workshops. The discussion was made on the expected results and impacts of implementation on the economic and education spheres.
The project is supported by Open Society – Georgia.
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International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) within the international project “Integrity of education systems” started implementing the research with the aim to investigate risks of corruption in education and seek solutions in countries of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region in order to create the conditions for replicating expertise and locally-led integrity assessments in the region.
Specifically, current research will focus on identifying facts of misconduct, corruption and nepotism in the process of recruitment of secondary school teachers’ and subsequently produce the policy recommendation for tackling the issue.
The assessment is based on the INTES methodology and evidence collection tools developed by CAPI within the framework of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Qualitative research shall collect and analyze data through desk study, focus groups and in-depth interviews. The research shall consist of stages for data collection, data analysis and reporting. The results of the research will be publicly discussed and disseminated.
The project is co-led by Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) and Center for Applied Policy and Integrity (CAPI). Along with Georgia three other countries participate in the research project.
The desirable outcome of the project is to help the countries to discern how to tackle the corruption challenge by empowering education participants and stakeholders and to understand and address their integrity challenges “from within” their education institutions and professional environments.
International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) participates in an international project – “Integrity of education systems: training for civil society organisations”. The project is co-led by Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) and Center for Applied Policy and Integrity (CAPI). The duration of the project is one year. Along with EPPM three other organizations participate in the project.
The aim of the project is to investigate risks of corruption in education and solutions in countries of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region in order to create the conditions for replicating expertise and locally-led integrity assessments in the region. The assessment is based on the INTES methodology and evidence collection tools developed by CAPI within the framework of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The desirable outcome of the project is to help the countries to discern how to tackle the corruption challenge by empowering education participants and stakeholders and to understand and address their integrity challenges “from within” their education institutions and professional environments.
As mentioned above, the project will be implemented through an operational and research partnership between the NEPC and CAPI that will unfold in four phases: training; collection of evidence; analysis and reporting; dissemination of results.
The first phase of the project – training took place in Belgrade, Serbia. Representatives of all four organizations attended the training. The training provided a hands-on guidance on how to carry out integrity assessments and collect primary evidence on the participation of education stakeholders in integrity violations, the systemic conditions in which these violations take place and on how to analyse this evidence for policy and/or research purposes.
International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management (EPPM) started implementing new project – “Association with European Union Policy and Practice: Lifelong learning for education system sustainable development”.
The project will run from September 2019 through September 2020 and will focus on results of implementing Association Agreement responsibilities towards Lifelong education.
The goal of the project is to raise awareness of different target groups towards responsibilities taken by the state under Association Agreement in the field of education and human capital development and its expected benefits. The project envisages the development of mechanisms for civil society engagement in the implementation process.
Quality and relevance of the implementation of European Parliament recommendations for the alignment with European Policy and Practice in the field of education and training will be revealed and its impact on the development of education and economic sectors will be measured. Monitoring tools will be identified and participatory advocacy process conducted.
The project is supported by Open Society – Georgia Foundation (OSGF) and will reach target groups in Tbilisi, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Kakheti, Samegrelo and Shida Kartli.
EPPM delegation has participated in the 4th policy forum and the Policy Conference Inclusive Education for all: “FROM IDEAS TO ACTION” organized by the Network of Education Policy Centers in Zagreb, Croatia. The Policy makers, researchers, practitioners and relevant education stakeholders from different European countries met to reflect on the capacity of the education systems to meet the needs of all students, enhancing education opportunities for social-disadvantaged children and making education systems more inclusive for all and jointly embrace a plan for action for further advocacy. The importance of development and implementation of relevant legal and policy frameworks as well as effective delivery systems was highlighted in achieving the visions of UN Sustainable Development Goals and EU European Education Area.
The forum gathered 130 participants from education ministries, universities, research institutions, civil society’s organizations and schools from 33 countries to discuss ways in which education systems contribute to secure fairer societies.
International Institute for Education Policy Planning and Management performed monitoring of implementation of Association Agreement responsibility towards supporting lifelong learning (LLL).
Research was conducted during February 1, 2019 – April 8, 2019. The research period was January 6, 2019 through April 8, 2019. The focus of the study was on implementation of the changes in the Georgian Law on Education Quality, Higher Education, Vocation Education and General Education approved by the Parliament of Georgia in October, 2018. The changes to the national legislation were in line with Articles 358 and 359 of the Association Agreement and related to supporting the progress of implementation of LLL, strengthening the international collaboration of academics, their mobility, education quality assurance, improving the access to and relevance of each level of education, recognition of competences and qualifications.
Research results indicate to the serious deficiencies of the process of implementation of European Parliament and Council recommendations (2017/C 189/03) “on the elaboration of European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning”. The terms of national legislation (Georgian Law on Education Quality and Law on Higher Education) are violated as none of the foreseen bylaws have been approved by the Ministry of Education Science Culture and Sports within the deadlines fixed in the legislation. This in turn prevents the process of implementation of the Association Agreement responsibilities taken by the country under Articles 358 and 359.
The research provides the recommendations that would help national institutions mitigate the risk of violation of the legislation in future and suggests the ways of improving the process of implementation of the responsibilities taken by the country under Association Agreement.